The 2025 NGCRC 28th International Gang Specialist

Training Conference (Aug. 4 - August 6, 2025):

A Look at the Presenters


Last Updated: March 21, 2025

Dayo G. Ashonibare, JD

            Dayo G. Ashonibare is a Lecturer at Baze University’s Faculty of Law and Managing Partner at Levite Legal Clinic. He also serves on the Legal Education Committee of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA). He is a former Alternate National Chairman at the NBA Young Lawyers Governing Council and Secretary of the Baze University Law Clinic. Dayo is a member of several legal bodies, including NALT, the Global Alliance for Justice Education, and NULAI. Dayo developed and pioneered the teaching of ICT Law as a course at Baze University and under the mentorship of Professor Ernest Ojukwu SAN, introduced Clinical and Moot Court Practice at the Faculty of Law. His publications focus on cybercrime, IC law and public interest law. He has facilitated and participated in conferences and workshops both in Nigeria and abroad.

Sally-Ann Ashton, Ph.D.

            Sally-Ann Ashton is a Psychologist and Research Scientist at the Texas Juvenile Crime Prevention Center at Prairie View A&M University. She has an Mphil in Criminological Research (University of Cambridge, England) and an M.S.c. in Investigative Psychology (University of Huddersfield, England). Her Ph.D. investigated the psychological and social risk factors associated with gang membership, group offending and desistance from crime. She was a recipient of a Frederick Milton Thrasher Award in 2017 for superior accomplishments in gang research and in 2020 for superior accomplishments in gang training.


Dr. Peculiar Awa

            Dr. Peculiar Awa is an Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology at the University of Central Missouri. As a lawyer, she has served as junior counsel for Anyia & Co. (Barristers & Solicitors) in Nigeria, where she represented clients in Nigerian courts, drafted and filed legal documents, and mentored legal interns. As a graduate student, Dr. Awa interned with the Miami-Dade State’s Attorney’s Office Human Trafficking Division, focusing on victim advocacy and the reintegration of victims after being trafficked. Dr. Awa holds degrees from: Florida International University (2019) Ph.D. in International Crime and Justice, Florida International University (2015) M.S. in Criminal Justice, Nigerian Law School (2011) JD, University of Jos, Nigeria (2010) LL.B., University of Jos, Nigeria (2005) Associate Degree in Law, University of Jos, Nigeria (2005) Associate Degree in Computer Science.

RAC Stephen Babits

            Stephen Babits has been with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms and Explosives (ATF) since 2001 and currently serves as the Resident Agent in Charge in the Raleigh, NC field office. In 2024, RAC Babits was honored with the United States Attorney Award for his exceptional work on a high-profile case. He has also received several Special Achievement awards from the North Carolina Gang Investigators Association and the City of Raleigh, NC for several high-profile cases. In 2023, RAC Babits received a Group Achievement Award from the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association (FLEOA) for his work on an Outlaw Motorcycle Gang investigation. A seasoned speaker and instructor, RAC Babits has lectured across North and South Carolina and is an Instructor at the ATF National Academy.

Corporal Jim Bailey

            Corporal Jim Bailey has been with the Battle Creek Police Department for over 13 years, and has been assigned to the Battle Creek Police Department Gang Suppression Unit for over 6 years. Corporal Bailey has been directly involved in many of the same gang investigations as Detective Sutherland, and has assisted as one of the lead investigators with Detective Sutherland, on many of the same violence crime investigations. Corporal Bailey has also been involved in cell phone investigations, writing and executing search warrants, surveillance techniques, undercover drug buys, and managing confidential informants. Corporal Bailey has been recognized in Michigan State District Court and Circuit Court as an expert in drug trafficking and drug investigations, identifying armed subjects, and cell phone site analyses. Corporal Bailey is currently a K-9 handler for the Battle Creek Police Department and is a member of the department’s Emergency Response Team. He is a Defensive Tactics Instructor and a Patrol Training Officer for the Battle Creek Police Department. He has also received Instructor certification for Active Shooter Response for Civilians, through the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training Center at Texas State University.

Andy Bain, Ph.D.

            Andy Bain is an assistant professor of Criminal Justice Studies at Westminster College, PA. He holds a Ph.D. in Offender Behavior, a Msc. Criminal Justice and a Graduate Diploma in Psychology. Andy has authored, and edited numerous books, chapters, and articles, on the outlaw motorcycle gangs; law enforcement and technology; and, professional risk working with mental health, social care, and criminal justice, publishing with a number of leading international academic and professional journals. His professional background includes four years with the National Probation Service (England & Wales) and six years running a successful Criminal Justice Consultancy Group, providing guidance and advice to law enforcement agencies and correctional bodies. This, in turn led to the publication of a number of local and national policing and corrections reports.

SueAnn D. Ballat, MPA

            SueAnn D. Ballat has an MPA degree and she serves as the Executive Director of the Gang Alternatives Program in Los Angeles, California.. She was a fellow at the “GPSN: Catalyzing Excellence in Public Education” in Los Angeles, CA.

TFO Jakob Blackman

            Jakob Blackman is a full time Task Force Officer (TFO) with the Alcolhol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) since 2018. TFO Blackman began his law enforcement career in 2010 with the Leavenworth County Sheriff’s Office. In 2011, he was hired as a patrol officer with the Kansas City Kansas Police Department (KCKPD). In 2016, he was promoted to detective and worked in the KCKPD Gang Unit from 2016 to 2018. Detective Blackman has worked various crimes to include large scale armed drug conspiracies, federal firearm cases and crimes of violence to include shooting and homicides. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Western Illinois University and a master’s degree from the University of Central Missouri. TFO Blackman has taught the class to the Kansas Gang Investigators Association (KGIA) and the Arizona Gang Investigators Association (AZGIA).

Hiag Brown 

            Hiag Brown is the co-director at the Portland OIC Community Care Team. Hiag began working with POIC+RAHS in 2011 as an Outreach Worker and has developed strong relationships with the community and partner organizations. Hiag became the Trauma and Violence Family Coordinator in 2020, providing resources for victims of community violence such as relocation, rental assistance, funeral assistance, and much more. A Credible Messenger, Hiag was born and raised in NE Portland and received his bachelor’s degree in social sciences from Portland State University.

Michael P. Coghlan, JD 

            Michael Coghlan is a 40-year lawyer who has advised more than 20 government agencies in loss control and prevention of legal liability. His clients included police, prosecutors, and probation officers. Mike served as Chair of the Youth Service Providers consortium which includes IRS tax exempt organizations and agencies. He is also a Certified Gang Specialist, Recipient of the NGCRC Thrasher Award, former prosecutor, and served 8 years as an elected prosecutor and civil attorney for 20 divisions of county government.


SA Thomas J. Crawford

            SA Thomas J. Crawford began his law enforcement career in 1998 as a local officer and was assigned to a drug task force in GA. From 2000-2007, he became employed as a GBI Special Agent. He investigated murders, corruption, sex crimes, drug trafficking and conducted undercover operations. In 2007, he became employed as an ATF Special Agent. He has conducted numerous Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force investigations. He has worked undercover on long term ATF UC investigations. SA Crawford has conducted numerous interviews and solicited confessions and admissions from suspects. He has received numerous awards, including the following: 2000 Swainsboro, GA Jaycees LEO of the year, 2003 GBI Deputy Director’s Award for Investigative Excellence, 2005 State of GA Governor’s Award for Heroism, 2011 USAO Southern District of WV Award for Outstanding Gang & Violent Crime Investigation, 2018 OCDETF award for overcoming technology, 2019 Southern District of GA U.S. Attorney’s Award, 2020 GGIA Coastal Region Gang Investigator of the Year and 2021 GGIA State Gang Investigator of the Year.

Aaron Cunningham, CPD (Ret.)

            Aaron Cunningham has (25) years of law enforcement experience and retired a 24-year veteran of the Chicago Police Department last assigned to CPIC Fusion Center, Bureau of Counter Terrorism & Special Operations. He is a highly decorated officer with extensive gang experience and past assignments to USATF PSN Task Force, Area Gun Team, Tactical Teams, District Intelligence Officer, and Patrol. His experience entailed joint activity with Federal, State, Local partner agencies, task force, and HIDTA/OCDEFT operations.

            Past performance also includes organization of large format platform-based training events to include the 1st and 2nd International Counter-Terrorism Conference (2012, 2013) for National-level components with intelligence, defense, and police agencies hosted by the Korean National Police Agency, South Korea. Aaron further led an officer survival project, Uso Tactico de la Fuerza y Supervivencia Policial, over the course of nine years, providing training for over 1000 members of El Salvador’s Policia Nacional Civil.

Detective Tyler Dailey

            Detective Tyler Dailey has been a deputy with the Harford County Sheriff’s Office since 2017, and he is currently assigned to the Harford County Drug Task Force, where he primarily investigates drug, gun, and gang cases throughout the county. Detective Dailey has been the lead detective on multiple fatal overdose investigations, and he assisted Senior Contact Attorney Stuart Welch in securing the first ever conviction in Harford County of a drug dealer for Manslaughter for dealing the drugs that caused a fatal overdose.

Robert T. David, Sr.

            Robert T. David Sr., Youth and Gang Violence Prevention Coordinator. 2020 recipient of th Frederic Milton Thrasher Award for Excellence in Gang Intervention. M.A. in addiction and professional counseling. Creator of Project Imagine the Virginia Municipal League President award winner of most innovative program. Robert has over 25 years of strategic planning & community development experience, a motivated professional with a proven record of generating and building relationships, managing projects from concept to completion, designing collaborative strategies, and coaching individuals to success.

Kenneth Davis

            Kenneth Davis retired from the Yonkers Police Department in July of 2017. From 1985-1990 he was assigned to uniformed patrol (task force and public housing) and plainclothes (street-level and undercover narcotics). From 1990-2000 he worked street gangs, graffiti crimes and police academy. From 2000-2009 he was assigned to several middle/high schools as a school resource officer. In 2009 - 2017, as a detective, he continued investigating street gangs, narcotics (search warrants) and graffiti crimes. As the departments liaison, he assisted the YMCA’s Cure Violence/SNUG Program and the Westchester County Department of Corrections Re-entry Program. From 2017-present, he is a NYS private investigator and a graffiti/gang specialist presenting at various regional, national, and international conferences.


Laron Douglas, Sr.

            LaRon Douglas is a certified gang specialist and a CVI consultant from Cleveland, Ohio. He is the founder and executive director of the Renounce Denounce Gang Intervention Program which was founded in 2014. He understands the pitfalls that our youth have to endure and knows what it takes to decrease gun and gang violence in our communities.

Jonathan Esworthy

            Jonathan Esworthy is a Senior Forensic Auditor with the Bureau of ATF’s Financial Investigative Service Division (FISD). He obtained a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) license (2005), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) certificate (2005), and Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) certificate (2007). He holds a BS in Accounting and an MBA with a concentration in Information Technology. FA Esworthy has participated in investigations including arson, explosives, tobacco trafficking, OCDETF, murder-for-hire, gun & drug trafficking, and money laundering. FA Esworthy has presented for federal, state and local agencies on fraud and financial investigations. In 2015 and 2023, he was selected as the ATF’s Office of Science & Technology Employee of the Year.

Dr. Gregg W. Etter Sr., Ed.D.

            Dr. Gregg W. Etter Sr., Ed.D. is a Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Central Missouri. He retired as a Lieutenant with the Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Office after serving from 1977 to 2006. He is rated as a gang expert by the National Gang Crime Research Center. He has written extensively and presented classes on gangs, white supremacist groups and police management topics in the United States and Canada. Dr. Etter earned his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Wichita State University and his Doctorate degree from Oklahoma State University. Dr. Etter is the author of numerous books, book chapters, edited and refereed articles. His latest book is: Gangs and Organized Crime which he authored with Dr. George W. Knox and Dr. Carter F. Smith.

Det. Sgt. Christopher M. Felton, MS

            Christopher M. Felton, MS is a detective sergeant from the Fort Wayne (IN) Police Department’s Gang and Violent Crimes Unit. Additionally, Det. Sgt. Felton is the team coordinator for the department’s Peer Support/Critical Incident Stress Management Team, represents the department on the Indiana Statewide CISM Team Network, and is a member of the Northeast Indiana Critical Incident Stress Management Team. Det. Sgt. Felton holds two master’s degrees (A Master of Science in Criminal Justice with a concentration on Forensic Psychology and a Master of Philosophy) and is a Ph.D. candidate currently writing his dissertation for his Ph.D. in Criminal Justice - Law and Public Policy. Det. Sgt. Felton is also an adjunct professor at two local universities where he teaches courses revolving around forensic psychology, and teaches police mental health to police officers.

SA Catherine Fields

            Catherine Fields has been a Special Agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) since 2010, currently working in the ATF Raleigh Field Office in North Carolina. SA Fields previously worked the southwest border while assigned to the Tucson Field Office and the National Capital Region (NCR) while assigned to the Washington Field Division. She has lectured at conferences in North and South Carolina in addition to teaching and speaking at the ATF National Academy in Glynco, GA. SA Fields has been awarded the ATF Medal of Valor, received a Special Achievement Award from the North Carolina Gang Investigator’s Association as well as a Group Achievement Award from the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association for her work on an Outlaw Motorcycle Gang investigation, and received an Accolade Award and Commissioner’ Commendation from the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) for her work on an international machine gun trafficking case.

Santos Flores, Ph.D.

            Dr. Santos Flores holds a doctoral degree in Community and Youth Development, and a Master in Peace and Conflict Analysis, from the University of North Carolina, at Greensboro. His academic area of study is rooted in positive youth development, youth organizing and administration, and community-engaged research. Dr. Flores is currently the data analyst for Durham County’s Department of Community Intervention and Support Services.

Kali Gardner, J.D.

            Kali Gardner is currently an Assistant Hennepin County Attorney in the Adult Prosecution Division of violent crimes as a Gang Specialist trial attorney. She has ten years of state prosecution experience and personally approaching 70 jury trials and the prosecution of thousands of defendants for all types of felony level violent crimes. She uses gang statutes and expert gang testimony to explain motive and gang culture in Minneapolis leading to successful conviction of gang members from multiple hybrid gangs, Bloods, Vice lords, Crips, Native Mob, Black P. Stones, Gangster Disciples and more.

Inspector Elton Hall

            Inspector Elton Hall is the Commander of the Organized Crime Division with the Winnipeg Police Service. During his 24-year career, he’s worked in the Gang Suppression Unit, Street Crimes Unit, Guns and Gangs Unit, Organized Crime Unit, Homicide Unit and Major Crimes Unit. Inspector Hall is a graduate of Queen’s University and Red River College, and the recipient of the Exemplary Police Service medal and the Manitoba Excellence in Law Enforcement medal.


Michael Horn

            Michael Horn has been with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) since 2013, currently serving as a Supervisory Special Agent in the Greenville, SC field office. Previously, he worked in the Miami and Charlotte Field Divisions. In 2022, SSA Horn was honored with the North Carolina Gang Investigator of the Year Award for his exceptional work on a high-profile case. SSA Horn has also received OCDETF (Case of the Year) and three (3) ATF Distinguished Service Awards. A seasoned speaker and instructor, SSA Horn has lectured across North and South Carolina, as well as Tennessee, and has taught at the ATF National Academy.

Christi Hunting Horse, J.D.

            Christi Hunting Horse serves as an Assistant Criminal District Attorney in McLennan County, Texas. Prior to joining the District Attorney’s Office in 2014, Christi earned Bachelor of Arts degrees in Psychology and Speech Communications from Baylor University in 1997 and her Juris Doctor from Baylor Law School in 1999. During law school, Christi was commissioned as an Ensign in the U.S. Navy. She served in the Juudge Advocate General’s Corps for four years and obtained the rank of Lieutenant. Following her time in the Navy, Christi was a Law Clerk to a U.S. District Court Judge and a Staff Attorney in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. Later, Christi joined the F.B.I. as an Attorney-Advisor in the Director’s Office at Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Today, Christi is happy to have returned home to Waco, where she proudly serves her community in seeing that justice is done.

AUSA Makeia Jonese

            AUSA Makeia Jonese, TBA.


Janice Joseph, Ph.D.

            Janice Joseph, Ph.D. is a professor of the Criminal Justice Program at Stockton University. She is the Editor for Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice. She earned her Ph.D. degree from York University in Toronto, Canada. She is the author of the book: Black Youths, Delinquency, and Juvenile Justice; and she co-edited the book With Justice for All: Minorities and Women in Criminal Justice; and she has published numerous articles on delinquency, gangs, violence against women, and minorities and crime. She has earned a Frederic Thrasher Award for her research on gangs and has successfully completed several gang specialist training programs at the National Gang Crime Research Center. She was elected to be the president of the World Society of Victimology (WSV) and gives her presidential speech during the 17th International Symposium of the WSV being held in San Sebastian, Spain in June, 2023.


George W. Knox, Ph.D.

            George Knox earned his Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Chicago. He has extensive field experience with gangs, including interviewing gang members, gang leaders, and gang victims. He has taught in the field of criminal justice and sociology. He serves as the Executive Director of the National Gang Crime Research Center. He was the author of the first full textbook on gangs (An Introduction to Gangs) and other books and monographs on gang topics. His research interests include how to deal with gang problems in probation/parole, juvenile corrections, adult corrections, and gang threat analysis — examining the gang as a unit of social organization.

Kevin Kreuser

            Kevin Kreuser, B.S., Psychology, Loyola University of Chicago; 17 years as a Probation Officer — Cook County, ILL. Juvenile Court.

Rebeckah Lawson, J.D.

            Rebeckah Lawson is a dedicated attorney and Assistant Criminal District Attorney at the McLennan County District Attorney’s Office, where she prosecutes misdemeanors and felonies. She earned her Juris Doctor (JD) from Baylor Law School after completing her undergraduate studies at the University of Houston. In her current role, Rebeckah focuses primarily on the Texas Anti-Gang (TAG) division, where she works tirelessly to combat gang activity and bring justice to the community. With a strong commitment to public service and a passion for making a meaningful impact, Rebeckah’s work in criminal prosecution is driven by her desire to protect and serve the people of McLennan County.

Luke McCowan, J.D.

            Luke McCowan is a Baylor University graduate, earning both his undergraduate degree and Juris Doctor from Baylor Law School. He began is legal career as a misdemeanor prosecutor at the McLennn County District Attorney’s Office, where he quickly advanced to a felony prosecutor. Currently, Luke serves in the Crimes Against Children Unit, specializing in the prosecution of rimes perpetrated against children. His dedication to justice and advocacy for vulnerable victims has shaped his distinguished career, making him a key figure in the pursuit of safety and accountability for children in the legal system.

Roy Moore

            Roy Moore is the Director of the Portland OIC Community Care Team. Under his leadership, the POIC Healing Hurt People program serves 3 hospitals across the Portland, OR metro area, advocating for patients and helping to bridge the gap with hospital staff to help families navigate the resources needed to recover after traumatic events. His team of credible messengers works alongside the City of Portland and Multnomah County to be a vital part of the solution to increased gun violence. Roy has served on the Portland Police Bureau Accountability Committee, and the City of Portland Youth Violence Prevention Committee, and was a presenter at the 2023 HAVI (Health Alliance for Violence Intervention) Conference. He is recognized as a national leader for his work in Community Violence and Hospital-Based Intervention and spearheading Medicaid billing for sustainability and longevity.

Belinda Perez

            Belinda Perez has been with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) since 2016 and currently serves in the Kansas City Field Division. She first started her career with ATF in the Los Angeles Field Division where she worked in San Diego, California. SA Perez holds a bachelor’s degree from Western Illinois University and also holds a master’s degree. SA Perez presented the class to the Kansas Gang Investigators Association (KGIA) and the Arizona Gang Investigators Association (AZGIA).


Cassie Price, M.S. 

            Cassie Price is a distinguished graduate of Sam Houston University with a Master of Science in Criminal Justice and Leadership Management, ha a remarkable background. She served for nine years in the United States Army, with deployments supporting Operation Freedom in 2004 and 2006. In 2008, she transitioned to the Waco Police Department after graduating from the Waco Police Academy. Initially assigned to the Patrol Division, Officer Price moved to the Special Crimes Unit in 2015, where she investigated major crimes such as homicides, sexual assaults, and aggravated robberies. Her leadership potential was recognized in 2018 with a promotion to Sergeant. As the Sergeant of the Waco Police Department Gang Unit, she led efforts to investigate gang-related crimes, provide officer training, and reduce gang activity through strategic initiatives. Officer Price’s extensive experience and leadership continue to make a lasting impact on her department and community.

Todd Rajkowski

            Todd Rajkowski began his career with the Waco Police Department in 2009, after graduating from the Waco Police Academy. Starting in the Patrol Division, he quickly earned recognition as a Training Field Officer and achieved his Master Peace Officer License in Texas, along with becoming a TCLEOSE instructor. In 2017, he transferred to the Family Violence Unit, gaining experience in sensitive investigations and becoming an expert witness in family cases in McLennan County. In 2020, Investigator Rajkowski joined the Drug Enforcement Unit (DEU) and volunteered for the gang unit, where he became a key asset. His focus has been on identifying and tracking criminal street gangs and their activities across Waco and McLennan County. His strategic efforts have been instrumental in reducing gang-related violence, contributing to a significant drop in violent crimes involving youth. His work continues to strengthen community safety and justice.

Mitchel P. Roth, Ph.D.

            Mitchel P. Roth, Ph.D. is Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Sam Houston State University. His areas of interest include global organized crime and gangs, history of crime and punishment, mass murder and serial homicide. His many books include, Power on the Inside: A Global History of Prison Gangs (2020), Fire in the Big House: The Worst Prison Disaster in American History (2019), The Illicit Economy in Turkey (with Mahmut Cengiz)(2019), An Eye for An Eye: A Global History of Crime and Punishment (2015) and Convict Cowboys: The Untold History of the Texas Prison Rodeo (2016). His books have been translated into Chinese, Persian, Croatian and Turkish. He has been an instructor at the Zhejiang Police College from 2009 to 2019 and at the International Law Enforcement Academy (Roswell) from 2001-2009. In 2020, Dr. Roth was awarded the Frederic Milton Thrasher Award for Excellence in Gang Research.


Alex Saine

            Alex Saine has been a Special Agent with ATF since 2018 prior to that he was a detective with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department. SA Saine has spearheaded award winning investigations that have been recognized by the North Carolina Gang Investigators Association (Special Achievement Award), OCDETF (Case of the Year) and ATF (Distinguished Service Award). SA Saine has been an instructor for FLETC and lectured nationally.

AUSA Kelly Sandling

            Kelly Sandling has prosecuted gang cases for almost 18 years including robberies, homicides and drug trafficking organizations. AUSA Sandling began prosecuting gang cases as an Assistant District Attorney in Johnston County, NC in 2007, then prosecuting cases federally in the OCDEFT section in 2018 as a Special Assistant United States Attorney (SAUSA) and then in 2020 as an Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA). AUSA Sandling has prosecuted over 50 jury trials in state and federal court to include convictions for homicides, robberies, drug trafficking, Violent Crime in Aid of Racketeering (VICAR) and Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO) cases. In 2023, AUSA Sandling was named the North Carolina Prosecutor of the Year. AUSA Sandling has prosecuted cases that have been recognized nationally and received North Carolina Gang Investigator Association Special Achievement Awards. AUSA Sandling has taught throughout the State of North Carolina, to include Campbell University School of Law.


Tom Schneider, M.S.

            Tom Schneider retired from the Cook County Illinois Juvenile Probation Department in January of 2013 after forty years on the street as a juvenile probation officer. He holds a BA degree from the University of Illinois Chicago in the Administration of Criminal Justice and a M.S. degree from Chicago State University in Correction and Criminal Justice. He is currently conducting Anger Management/Violence Prevention groups for juvenile probationers and is the Director of Project Lifeline, the Cook County Juvenile Court scholarship program.

Timothy Severo

            Timothy Severo has prosecuted gang cases for almost 30 years including robberies, homicides and drug trafficking organizations. Severo began prosecuting gang cases as an Assistant District Attorney in Winston-Salem in 1994, then prosecuting cases federally in the OCDEFT section in 2005 as a Special Assistant United States Attorney and then in 2018 as an AUSA. In 2010, Mr. Severo received the North Carolina Governor’s Crime Commission Award for Excellence. Severo has prosecuted cases that have been recognized as the OCDETF Case of the Year and received NCGI Special Achievement Awards. Severo has taught in the Nation of Kosovo as well as in North and South Carolina, Tennessee and has been an instructor for ATF at FLETC.

Cody Shepherd

            Cody Shepherd is a dedicated and experienced professional with a strong background in crisis intervention, corrections, and youth and family services. With a commitment to serving and supporting individuals in need, Cody has pursued extensive training and certifications to enhance his skills and expertise. Cody holds certificates through the Virginia Gang Investigators Association (VGIA) and is Crisis Intervention Certified. He has also completed over 250 hours of academy training through the Virginia Department of Corrections (VDOC). Additionally, Cody holds certifications through the National Gang Crime Research Center (NGCRC). With his comprehensive training and certifications, Cody possesses a deep understanding of crisis intervention techniques, gang dynamics, and correctional procedures. His expertise enables him to provide effective support and guidance to individuals in crisis, while also promoting community safety and well-being. Within his Current Role as a Youth & Family Specialist and Team Lead with Pathfinders Resources, Cody is responsible for providing guidance and support to youth and families in need. He leads a team of specialists who work collaboratively to provide comprehensive services and support. Cody is dedicated to making a positive impact in his community. Through his work, he strives to provide compassionate and informed support to those in need, while also promoting awareness and understanding of critical issues related to crisis intervention, corrections, and youth and family services.


Elvis Slaughter, M.S.

            Criminologist Elvis Slaughter served as a fire and police commissioner, and is a retired Cook County Sheriff’s Superintendent with more than thirty years’ experience in criminal justice, corrections, and law enforcement. Slaughter holds a Master’s in Criminal Justice and Corrections. He has authored several articles and ten books, which include Safer Jail and Prison Matters, Mentally Ill Inmates and Corrections, and Preschool to Prison. Elvis is a speaker, security consultant, and correctional auditor. He is also a member of the American Jail Association, American Correctional Association, Hammond Police Citizen Advisory Commission, National Sheriff’s Association, Illinois Sheriff’s Association, and former president of he Illinois Academy of Criminology. Elvis taught criminal justice at the college level.

Winston Soriano

            Winston Soriano is currently a Senior Intelligence Analyst with the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit - British Columbia (CFSEU-BC). Analyst Soriano has been assigned to the “Crime Gun Intelligence and Investigations Group (CGIIG)” at CFSEU-BC since 2018. Analyst Soriano has 23 years of experience as an Intelligence Analyst with CFSEU-BC and has worked on various portfolios such as Asian Organized Crime, Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs, and other independent organized crime groups. Analyst Soriano is considered a “Subject Matter Expert” in Privately Manufactured Firearms (PMFs). In May 2022, Analyst Soriano was intited by Europol to present at the 1st International 3D Printed Firearms Conference in The Hague, Netherlands. In 2023, Analyst Soriano presented virtually on PMFs to the Jamaica Constabulary Force, IALEIA - Jamaica Chapter, World Customs Organization, and the Illegal Firearms Trafficking Working Group (chaired by ATF). Analyst Soriano continues to educate domestic and international law enforcement partners on PMFs.

Detective Tyler Sutherland

            Detective Tyler Sutherland has been a police officer for the Battle Creek Police Department for over 14 years. He is currently assigned to the Battle Creek Police Detective Bureau, and was previously assigned to the Gang Suppression Unit for over 6 years. As a member of the Gang Unit, Detective Sutherland was directly involved as the lead investigator in a number of gang, and violent crime, cases that resulted in courtroom trials and jury convictions. While participating in all aspects of gang investigations and court room prosecution, Detective Sutherland has been qualified as, and testified as, a gang expert in the U.S. District court and Michigan State Circuit and District Court, more than 15 times in the last five years. One of these gang cases, was the first criminal gang enhancement jury conviction in the State of Michigan since the state statute was created. He is also recognized in circuit and district court as an expert in Drug Trafficking and Drug Investigations. A Defensive Tactics Instructor, and Patrol Training Officer, he has also received Instructor certification for Active Shooter Response for Civilians, through the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training Center at Texas State University.

Captain Philip J. Swift, Ph.D.

            Mr. Swift, Ph.D. is a husband, father, and a 23-year law enforcement veteran. Since April of 2018, Mr. Swift has served as the Fort Worth City Marshal. Prior to becoming the City Marshal, Mr. Swift rose to the rank of Captain in the Denver Sheriff Department. During his law enforcement career he served as a City Marshal, Director of Security, Watch Commander, FTO Commander, Gang/Intelligence Unit Commander, K-9 Unit Commander, Internal Affairs Bureau Investigator, Conduct Review Office Sergeant, Emergency Response Unit member and Sergeant, Court Services Sergeant, and as Adjunct Training Academy Instructor. Mr. Swift holds a MS and Ph.D. in Forensic Psychology from Walden University and has also received dual MBA’s and a BS in Criminal Justice from American International University. Mr. Swift is a published author (Gangs, Outlaw Bikers, Organized Crime & Extremists; Looseleaf Law Publishing), a contributor to Inside Police Psychology:, and is frequently asked to speak locally and nationally on topics related to gang, criminal, inmate, and law enforcement culture, forensic psychology, and jail gang investigations.

Josh Tetens, J.D.

            Josh Tetens graduated from Baylor University in 2001 with a BA in International Studies, he then graduated from Baylor Law School in 2005 with a concentration in criminal law. Since then, Josh has practiced criminal defense law throughout Central Texas at Simer & Tetens. Josh most recently won the Election for McLennan County District Attorney. In addition to practicing law, Josh has served as the Municipal Judge in Golinda, President of the Bellmead Chamber of Commerce, Treasurer for the African American Chamber of Commerce, as a member of the Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce Public Policy Committee, and as the President of the Rapoport Academy School Board. And most importantly, Josh has been married to his Baylor sweetheart, Kelly, for 20 years, and they have three children: Patriot, Glory, and Maverick.

Dr. Martha Wall-Whitfield

            Dr. Martha Wall-Whitfield is an educator from Little Rock, Arkansas where she is currently the Founder and Principal of Legacy Christian Academy, a private Christian school for at-risk youth and kids from trauma. She was formerly the District Principal for all juvenile correctional facilities in the state of Arkansas and also served as Principal at the state’s largest juvenile facility for incarcerated youth for seven years. She has taught for over 16 years at the University level as an Assistant Professor for Averett University and as an Adjunct for Virginia Commonwealth University, University of Arkansas Little Rock, and Arkansas State University. Dr. Whitfield is a mom of five and a Mimi to five. She is active in both her church and the community as a foster and adoptive parent and foster parent trainer for the state.

Dr. John Z. Wang

            Dr. John Z. Wang is a world renowned criminological expert on Asian gangs. He has done research with the NGCRC and he has taught at previous NGCRC gang training conferences. He is a California POST certified instructor since 2009. He is a full professor in the Department of Criminal Justice at California State University Long Beach where he teaches criminal justice, forensic sciences, transnational organized crime, and the investigation of high tech crimes. Since 2018 he has also been a fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. 


Nellie Waterman

            Nellie Waterman has been with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) since 2013, currently serving as a Supervisory Special Agent in Memphis, TN after working thirteen years as a police officer in Florida and Maine. Waterman has an encyclopedic knowledge of the Grape Street Crips and has been investigating members of this gang for more than a decade. Waterman has taught about the GSC in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.


Stuart Welch, JD

            Stuart Welch is the Senior Contact Attorney for the Felony Drug and Gun Unit at the Harford County State’s Attorney’s Office. Stuart is assigned to the Harford County Drug Task Force, which primarily investigates complex drug, gun, and gang cases throughout Harford County, Maryland. Stuart has prosecuted over 200 felony drug and/or gun cases, and he specializes in prosecuting drug dealers for dealing drugs that cause the fatal overdose of a victim. He secured the first ever conviction in Harford County of a drug dealer for Manslaughter for dealing the drugs that caused a fatal overdose. This is especially difficult in a state that has no drug-induced homicide laws. Stuart also serves as a member of the Overdose Fatality Review Board, where he studies fatal overdoses in Harford County in order to learn how to better prevent them going forward.

Sgt. Jacob K. Wescoe 

            Jacob K. Wescoe is a Sergeant with the Raleigh Police Department currently assigned to supervise the Homicide Unit. Sergeant Wescoe joined the Raleigh Police Department in 2009 and has served in various roles including patrol officer, gang suppression unit officer, Detective, and Sergeant. As a Detective, he was assigned to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Violent Crime Task Force where he conducted complex case investigations into violent drug trafficking organizations and criminal enterprises. Sergeant Wescoe has led and organized federal title III wiretap investigations to fully dismantle violent offenders and their criminal networks. During his career, Sergeant Wescoe has gained experience in gang, firearm, and major drug trafficking investigations that have led to successful prosecution of career offenders in both state and federal court.

Alvis Williams

            Alvis Williams, A.A. CJ & BS psych, is an exceptional advocate for at-risk youth, dedicating his career to gang prevention and intervention. With over two decades of experience in the field, Alvis has become a trusted specialist in crisis intervention, collaborating closely with the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) to bring about meaningful change in the lives of young individuals. His expertise as a youth advocate allows him to connect with young people on a profound level, transforming their lives and redirecting them towards a path of success. Through his unique approach, he has successfully bridged the gap between communities and the justice system, fostering understanding and unity. In addition to his hands-on work with at-risk youth, he is deeply passionate about training and development. He firmly believes that empowering others with the knowledge and skills necessary to make a positive impact is crucial for creating lasting change. He has had the privilege of conducting numerous training sessions for professionals working in the field, equipping them with the tools and strategies needed to effectively engage and support at-risk youth.

Larry Williams Jr.

            Larry Williams Jr. is dedicated to empowering youth and families to thrive. He has devoted his career to providing guidance, support, and mentorship to those in need. With over 15 years of experience in youth development and family advocacy, Larry has honed his expertise in assisting at-risk youth and their families navigate complex challenges. As a certified Youth Mental Health First Aid Specialist and Gang Specialist, Larry possesses a deep understanding of the issues that affect his clients. He is also a skilled presenter, sharing his knowledge and insights with community organizations, schools, and social service agencies. Larry's approach is built on empathy and a commitment to inspiring lasting change. He believes that positive change begins with strong, supportive relationships and is dedicated to helping his clients build self-efficacy. In his current role as Team Lead, Youth and Family Specialist, and Credible Messenger at Pathfinders Resources Inc., Larry works collaboratively with community partners to promote family stability, empower young people to overcome challenges, and inspire lasting change. Committed to ongoing growth and development, Larry is always seeking opportunities to further his knowledge and insight as a human service professional. He recognizes the importance of staying current on best practices and research-based interventions, and is dedicated to integrating this knowledge into his work with clients. Through his tireless efforts, Larry continues to make a positive impact in the lives of those he serves.