We need people who are knowledgeable about their local public school or who can gather that information voluntarily. Our ideal respondent is the principal, or an associate or assistant principal, or a School Resource Officer (SRO), or a school counselor, or a teacher, but our respondent could be anyone who works with the school or has sufficient knowledge of the school to be able to answer the kinds of questions we face when dealing with problems posed by gangs and hate groups. The focus of the survey is on gang-related issues (gangs and hate groups).

            The research project examines gang and hate group and related factors as these factors do or do not impact upon your school, and we need your help.

            We would like to get one survey research instrument completed for each school (one and only one survey for each school is the rule). Can you help? The survey will only take a couple of minutes. For a limited time offer, if you complete the survey and mark on the bottom of it “completed and submitted before May 31, 2006 so please send me a free copy of the NGCRC journal”, we will send you a free complimentary copy of the Journal of Gang Research. The Journal of Gang Research is now in its 13th year as a professional quarterly journal and is the official publication of the NGCRC.

            The NGCRC will hold all individual survey replies confidential and the data will only be analyzed in the aggregate, no individuals will be statistically singled out. Unlike other surveys carried out by government agencies, your individual survey responses cannot be obtained by the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), as the NGCRC is not funded by federal monies. So when we promise you anonymity, we can really fulfill that promise. But if you want to remain totally anonymous, fine, just leave any question blank that you believe is identifying (e.g., zip code for your school would be identifying if there was only one school in your zip code).

            The NGCRC has a long positive history of honoring the confidentiality of research respondents, see our website for examples of a variety of research reports. We are not new to this business. The NGCRC is a private non-profit agency, providing service to America since1990.

            One other thing the NGCRC does is really work hard to make sure that when we promise you that you will receive a copy of the preliminary research findings, we really do deliver on that kind of promise.

            Please take a couple minutes to complete and return the survey. If you have any questions, feel free to call the NGCRC (708) 258-9111. We would be happy to answer any questions you might have.

            The best way to do this is to "print off" this on-line version of the survey (click below, you may also have to "click on" the images for survey questions #50 and #51), and then mail it to us by means of the U.S. Postal Service. Or if that is not convenient, you can fax it to us: (708) 258-9546. Plan C: email it to us.



            George W. Knox, Ph.D.

            Director, NGCRC